Join us for heartfelt worship of our Lord. Scripture-based messages, prayer, beautiful music, and good fellowship.

We gather every Sunday morning, and for special holidays and events, in our historic meetinghouse on the Town Common in Sutton, Massachusetts. While we following an order of worship rich in Congregational tradition, we have lively messages (always based in God’s Word!), beautiful music by the Choir and by the Chime Choir, participatory prayer, a Children’s Message (before they are dismissed to Sunday School, during the school year), and a mixture of hymns old and new. We strive to worship and praise God, and learn of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all with joy and good fellowship.

We also prepare a video of our worship service every Sunday. It is posted (late Sunday or on Monday) on YouTube (channel: First Congregational Church of Sutton), and the links are shared on Facebook, email, and the “Messages” menu tab on this website, and on the Sutton Cable Channel Sunday at 10 am, Monday and Friday at 1 pm. Join the First Congregational Church of Sutton Facebook page, or send an email to the church office to be added to the email list. See the link at the bottom of this page!

We post the audio of the Scripture readings and message as a podcast, First Word from First Church. The podcast is carried on Spotify, Apple, and Amazon. The podcasts are also available on the “Podcast” tab of this website. We also sharing a midweek meditation (most weeks) on the podcast. Please subscribe on your favorite of the podcast platforms, to be notified of each new posting. See the links at the bottom of this page!

Please join us in worship in person or online, and help others to do the same. Give a neighbor a call, and ride to church together. If they can’t get out, talk them through the steps of accessing our online worship. If you need help doing that, please email me at I will be glad to share some of my “techie” experience.

Please contact us through if you need a call or a prayer, or other neighborly needs. Your message will be relayed to the Deacons or the Pastor, as appropriate. 

May the Lord bless you and keep you… 

Your loving servant in Christ, 

Pastor Dave 

First Church of Sutton

For over 300 years First Congregational Church of Sutton has ministered to the Sutton community, providing a spiritual home where generations have worshiped, laughed and cried, dreamed dreams and responded to the call of God. 



Today  we continue to proclaim Jesus’ message of Love, Hope and Joy as we look to the challenges and opportunities of ministry.

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Worship is a way we can connect to Jesus. We are committed to gathering together each week to bring that worship into one focused time and place together. 

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Our Podcast has a New Home!