Saturday, September 16, 2023
Blackstone National Golf Club
Putnam Hill Road, Sutton MA


We are holding a golf tournament and are seeking your support through multiple sponsorship opportunities to fit almost any budget.

This is a unique opportunity to reach clients and promote your company in multiple ways including local media recognition, signage, networking, dinner and socializing after a day of golf!!

Please find enclosed details of the sponsorship opportunities for the 2023 Sutton Congregational Church Golf Tournament.

Thank you in advance for your participation and involvement in our 300th celebration.

Golf Committee,

Pam Wright, Alice Shaw, Tina Fadden, Heather Dennis, Katrinka Arthaud, Russ Kassatly, Dan Fadden

For questions, please contact Dan Fadden at (508) 612-0596 or

If you would like to volunteer for the Golf Outing, please contact Dan Fadden at
(508) 612-0596 or

Golf Outing & Dinner

Date: Saturday, September 16, 2023
Location: Blackstone National Golf Club, Putnam Hill Road, Sutton MA
11:30 – 12:30PM, Registration & Driving Range
1:00pm, Shot Gun Start (Scramble)
6:00pm, Dinner, Raffles and Silent Auction
Sept 4th, 10AM, Ball Drop (Held during the Labor Day Breakfast at the Church)

Pricing Options:
Foursome: $500 Includes Green Fee, Cart, Driving Range and Dinner
Individual: $130 Includes Green Fee, Cart, Driving Range and Dinner
Dinner Only: $40
Ball Drop Tickets: $10

Contest and Activities:
Longest Drive: Ball Drop (Held Sept 4th, 10:00AM)
Closest to the Pin: Spectacular Raffles
Silent Auction

Ball Drop:
The official ball drop will be held at the Labor Day Breakfast at the church, Sept 4, 10am


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To Register FOR EVENT

To register you will need to fill out and drop off or mail in the player registration form: (Click here to download the registration form).

To pay: You can pay online via PayPal here below, or mail in check (see below)

Or, you can mail or drop off a check along with your filled in player registration form. Checks payable: FCC of Sutton; Memo: Golf Outing; Mail to 307 Boston Rd, Sutton, MA 01590

For questions, please contact Dan Fadden at (508) 612-0596 or

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To Sponsor EVENT

If you are interested in sponsoring the Golf Outing and Dinner, we have several sponsorship opportunities available. Please download the form (Click here to download the sponsorship form), and fill in the appropriate fields.

To pay: You can pay online via PayPal here below, or mail in check (see below)

Or, you can mail or drop off a check along with your filled in sponsorship form. Checks payable: FCC of Sutton; Memo: Golf Outing; Mail to 307 Boston Rd, Sutton, MA 01590

For questions, please contact Dan Fadden at (508) 612-0596 or